Don't Waste Time Shopping Around For an Expert. We are right here!

Don't Waste Time Shopping Around For an Expert. We are right here!

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  1. The "Tax Resolution" Offices of "Lance Wallach"
    5 1 6 - 9 3 8 - 5 0 0 7 Nationwide Assistance
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    You Landed Here For A Reason
    Don't Ignore Your Good Fortune

    If you landed on this page while searching for information, there is a very good chance that your financial future is in jeopardy because of what the IRS now considers abusive tax shelters.

    You are almost certainly looking at:
    IRS Penalties, Fraud, Scams, Fines, and Audits

    These days people can’t afford to pay "IRS fines"of up to $200,000 for each year they were in a benefit or "retirement plan" they THOUGHT was working properly. If you are in a 412i "retirement plan" or a "419 welfare benefit plan" and got a "letter from the IRS", your money may be in serious trouble and you could be put out of business - permanently. You need to act IMMEDIATELY if you want to save your money, your business, or recover what has already been lost!

    If you participated in a 419e plan, 412i plan, Section 79, listed or reportable transaction you have very specific things to do to save you from IRS fines and penalties. We know what those things are and we know how to get it all done. We can help anyone with problems resulting from being in a listed transaction or a reportable transaction.

    HELP IS AVAILABLE! Call 516-938-5007 today (services provided nationwide!) for a FREE phone consultation and find out right away if you are in what the IRS has labeled an "abusive tax shelter", listed or reportable transaction. Once you know, then you can act. Once you act, you can avoid the serious "IRS fines and penalties" that could put you out of business and ruin your life

    Many participants don't even know that they are in an "abusive tax shelter" until they get huge "IRS fines and penalties" which are not able to be appealed.
    There’s lots of information here to help you decide what path to take. Or, just call us at 516-938-5007 for a free consultation and let our team of experts help you find the best solution.
    We are the experts you need regarding:
    "SADI Trust"
    "Professional Benefits Trust" PBI
    "Sea Nine Veba"
    The "Beta Plan"
    The "Millennium
    The "Ridge Plan"
    The "Grist Mill Trust"
    The "Compass Welfare Benefit Plan"
    "Section 79 Plans"
    "Captive Insurance"
    and other similar "412i retirement plans" and "419 welfare benefit pl
